Improving health system, manufacturer and payer outcomes, one patient at a time

Leverage our best in class AI and digital infrastructure for your organization.






Value-Driven Results

CaryHealth is on a mission to improve patient outcomes with innovative pharmaceutical solutions

With CaryHealth, we empower pharmaceutical companies and health systems to optimize workflows, validate data efficiently, and enhance patient care, while facilitating direct prescription delivery for improved adherence and outcomes through our intuitive mobile app.

Unprecedented access to information

Providing pharmaceutical companies and representatives unprecedented access to information and easing MSL’s workflows

Increase drug sales

Optimizing time with physicians and enable increase drug sales

Data solutions

Empowering health systems/providers to have solutions to efficiently validate information across disparate systems and optimize their time with patients

Cost-Saving tools

Equipping health plan executives with the tools they need to reduce pharmacy & medical costs

Adherence solutions

Empowering pharmaceutical mfg executives with the tools they need to increase margin on medication dispenses and improve adherence transparency

Driving outcomes

Delivering Rx directly to patients’ doors and driving adherence and outcomes with intuitive and leading mobile app

Explore our solutions

Integrated solution ecosystem

Our solutions are tailored to
improve outcomes

Enhancing results

Unleash a digital pharmacy ecosystem

A rich platform to help manage your population & data while providing you an ecosystem to support internal teams and consumers.

Real-time data insights through AI

Our proprietary AI model was made to support healthcare stakeholders for their most difficult use cases.

Experts in pharmacy. Experts in data.

Utilize CaryHealth's expertise in pharmacy and data to support your digital health and pharmacy infrastructure needs.
Selected Trusted Partners

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Health Plans

Our proprietary AI model was made to support healthcare stakeholders for their most difficult use cases.

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Pharma Manufacturers

Digitally transform your fulfillment experience & hub services. Improve access, retention, and prescription uplift with a data driven approach.

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Healthcare Providers

Transform how you access medication information with Clair, our AI Copilot and clinical reference.
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