How can a pharmacy support a prescribed digital therapeutic? | CaryHealth

As healthcare technology continues to evolve, digital therapeutics are becoming an increasingly popular treatment option for patients with a range of health conditions. Digital therapeutics (DTx) are software-based treatments that use interactive technology to help patients manage and improve their health outcomes. These treatments can be prescribed by healthcare providers and delivered through a range of digital devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. As the use of digital therapeutics grows, pharmacies are playing an increasingly important role in processing these prescriptions.

The role of the pharmacy in processing digital therapeutics prescriptions is multifaceted.

Here are some of the key ways in which pharmacies are involved in the processing of digital therapeutics:

  • Verifying the Prescription - Pharmacists are responsible for verifying the prescription and ensuring that the DTx is appropriate for the patient's needs. This includes checking the patient's medical history, reviewing the prescribed DTx, and ensuring that it does not interact with any other medications the patient may be taking.
  • Benefits Investigation (BI) - Understanding coverage of a digital therapeutic is crucial given the challenges in reimbursement. Further, assisting with the prior authorization process is of great importance to ensure a patients time to therapy is as quick as possible. BI teams can help expedite the prior authorization cycle to quickly gain access to DTx's for patients.
  • Dispensing the Digital Therapeutic - Once the prescription is verified, the pharmacy is responsible for dispensing the DTx. This may involve providing the patient with access to the DTx through a partners mobile app or web platform.
  • Educating the Patient - Pharmacists are also responsible for educating patients about how to use the digital therapeutic, including how to access and navigate the software. This may involve providing patient training materials or demonstrating how to use the digital therapeutic on a mobile device or computer.
  • Patient Experience - A clean and seamless patient experience is absolutely vital to ensure initiation of therapy and retention. A pharmacy should be able to provide a digital experience throughout the patient journey in activating a DTx.
  • Monitoring Patient Progress - Pharmacists may also be involved in monitoring the patient's progress with the DTx. This may involve reviewing patient data and providing feedback to the healthcare provider about the patient's progress.
  • Billing and Reimbursement - Finally, pharmacies are responsible for billing and reimbursement for DTx. This may involve submitting claims to insurance providers or working with patients to ensure that they are able to afford the DTx.  

Pharmacies play an important role in processing prescribed digital therapeutics. From verifying the prescription to dispensing the digital therapeutic, educating patients, monitoring patient progress, and handling billing and reimbursement, pharmacies are a critical part of the digital therapeutic treatment process. As the use of digital therapeutics continues to grow, pharmacies will continue to play an increasingly important role in improving patient outcomes and delivering high-quality healthcare.